Welcome to C&F Training

Excellence in training development and delivery.

Our Aim

To co-ordinate and deliver high quality training in partnership with currently existing industry experts, nationally and internationally.

We have a primary focus on issues which affect people who use substances and affected family members in Ireland.

About C&F

We are a hub of expertise in training and governance. A dynamic team of professionals, harnessing collective experience in training and professional governance.

“At C&F Training, were not just about training: we’re architects of professional excellence, steering the course of industry standards.”

The members of C&F Training have extensive knowledge of the services and organizations who require access to 5-Step Method Training. 

C&F are happy to be national licensed coordinators of The 5 Step Method training and accreditation in Ireland.

C&F collaborates with a network of trainers and assessors positioned across Ireland and internationally, actively involving them in our training and accreditation support programmes.

Our Services

5 Step Method Training

Intervention Materials

Accreditation Support

Clinical Supervision

Professional Development

Governance Framework

Become an Accredited Practitioner

Complete the 5 Step Method Training Program and accreditation process to become an official registered practitioner with C&F Training.


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