Benefits of the 5-Step Method
There are different interventions available to support people impacted by a loved ones substance use or gambling behaviour. However, one size doesn’t fit all. Here we explain some features of the intervention and how it might suit your service or practice.

The 5-Step Method is effective for anyone over the age of 18 regardless of literacy level. It can be applied for individuals who are impacted by a parent, intimate partner, sibling, child or friend.
The 5-Step Method is effective for members of minority ethnic groups who might find themselves marginalised, such as members of the Travelling Community. The delivery of the intervention can be adapted to take into account vernacular, literacy and avenues of support and experience with services.
The 5-Step Method is effective in completed as a self-help intervention by the individual, as a delivered intervention with a practitioner or a combination of the self-help workbook and scheduled sessions with a practitioner. The sessions can be combined to reduce the number of appointments, or can be split down further to support someone who may require more intense support.
the 5-Step Method can be delivered as a 1:1 intervention, a guided self-help intervention or in a group setting. It can also be adapted to form the ethos of ongoing Facilitated or Peer led Support Groups where individuals which can serve as pre and post intervention options. Practitioners can deliver the intervention in person or via telehealth.
Practitioners come from a wider range of backgrounds and disciplines including Family Support Workers, Peer Support Workers, social workers, nurses, psychologists. There is no minimum standard of education or training required to become a highly accomplished practitioner.

The 5-Step Method was developed by Jim Orford, Clinical Psychologist, Alex Copello, Clinical Psychologist and Honorary Professor of Addiction Research, and Richard Velleman Clinical Psychologist. All have extensive research history in the areas of addiction, mental health and addiction and the family. It is backed by more than 20 years of evidence base and ongoing research. The evidence base continues to grow based on the submission of Family Member Questionnaire results from every practitioner internationally. Therefore, practitioners and affected family members have confidence in its ongoing effectiveness.
The 5-Step Method supported by comprehensive and professionally produced resources for the practitioner and the individual. These are free to access and distribute.
It is the named intervention for affected family members in the Irish National Drug and Alcohol Strategy, Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery 2017-2025. C&F Training and AFINet are available to support organisations who want to rollout and embed the 5-Step Method within their organisation.
The 5-Step Method hinges on the pre and post measure, the Family Member Questionnaire. From an individual level it demonstrates to the individual and practitioner, the areas to focus on and the areas of improvement. From an organisational level it provides quantitative evidence the impact their services is having on the people they serve.
The 5-Step Method can be delivered by all grade of practitioner, including volunteers. It is a brief intervention, lasting between 5 – 7 sessions typically. The aim of the intervention is for individuals to be equip individuals with skills needed to continue the positive improvements achieved during the intervention. It supports a shift in how an individual views their situation which continues to apply well after the facilitated sessions have ended, therefore not relying on the ongoing support of a practitioner.